
My story

👇 Bekijk deze korte video voor mijn verhaal.👇

Jordi spiermassa progressie

Mijn naam is Jordi de Haan, geboren in 1994 en in 2010 begonnen met krachttraining. Inmiddels ben ik een lange tijd werkzaam als personal trainer en online coach en ik heb 200+ mensen assisted. I always exercise five a six times a week but that is not always been like that...

In 2010 I was 57 kg and didn't feel good in my own body. I didn't feel strong and resilient. That's why I decided to build more muscle mass. I purchased a gym membership and got started. I did the following (regardless of all other 873 errors):

It result after the first 12 months:


Building muscle mass progression

But I got into trouble.


Anyone who starts with fitness can make progress with three gym visits a week. You only need a little knowledge and healthy nutrition to see progress after a year. However, there was a downside to this approach. From 2013 onwards, I only partly went to the gym due to a lack of motivation. I no longer saw the desired results that I did see in the beginning...

Progress photo muscle building


That's how I solved my problems

In 2018, after four days at Lowlands, I decided to take up sports again. I wanted to feel better again, both physically and mentally. As a result, I immediately delved deeper into the matter by obtaining fitness certificates. I also studied hundreds of scientific articles and books. I also took courses and sought help from many fitness professionals. As a result, I saw immediate results!

But I didn't want to fall back into my old pattern anymore?

As a result, I developed a flexible method and adjusted the following:

By applying my flexible method I have been able to make tremendous progress in recent years.

I also plan to never more to stop.


“Simply, because I can maintain this in the long term.”


Progression of muscles men

Could building muscle mass have been faster? 




Am I the only one who has made these mistakes? 




Certainly not. 


Perhaps you feel addressed because you make the same mistakes as I do.


That's why I want to help you.



Why? Because of my passion for sports and a huge one preference to help men with muscle building. That's why I started working as a personal trainer and online coach. I started doing this after completing my Sports, Management and Entrepreneurship course. (Setting up my own company has always been my passion) In addition, I get satisfaction from the fact that you physical and mental creates fitness. I do not that you are the same errors makes and therefore wants to prevent that:

If you make these mistakes you will spend a lot of money on the gym in the long run
without sufficient result!

The result: you stop training completely.

I go via my Flexible method you going to help with results

(Net zoals 200+ andere mensen)

Flexible method for muscle mass


Gain knowledge through Understandable language, making it applicable in practice. Prevent injuries!

Flexible nutritional plan

Take your calorie needs into account and learn to eat accordingly feeling immediately flexible diet.

Efficient workout

Train efficiënter, niet langer! Met gerichte trainingen, afgestemd op jouw lichaam, behaal je resultaten in minder tijd.


To persevere during slower periods, due to intrinsic motivation for the gym.

Progress registration

Easy tracking of your progress and every week better want to be in a training.


Developing a lifestyle in which weight training & health be present in the long term.

Online muscle mass coaching

We go for it together continuous changes in the field of mental and physical fitness.

We go for:



But does this mean you're stuck with the same diet and exercise programs for the rest of your life? 




Why not?

Because your body is constantly changing due to your new lifestyle. Who tells you that what works well today will still be effective three months from now? The only thing that always tells the truth is the results. That's why we're going to evaluate. Once I have insight into the progress, I can direct you to results. Correcting timely and focusing on progress is the basis of your success.

Curious about the culture within JDH PT? Then click here!

Progression of muscle mass Jordi de Haan

Avoid stopping training.

Na het bekijken van deze training kun jij vear always build muscle mass in a flexible way. Download now free mine training: in zes stappen naar een gespierd lichaam.

No thanks, I'd rather keep training without result 😉