Ik maak gebruik van een applicatie om mijn klanten optimaal te kunnen begeleiden. Dit noem ik de JDH PT trainingsapp (Everfit)
JDH PT Training App

Via de trainingsapp, genaamd Everfit kun je het trainingsprogramma zien, je progressie registreren, content zien in de community, en om support vragen via de conversations functie.
The training app is available in the iOS app store and Android play store. Everything is also available in an internet browser.
Want to gain more insight into support, training programs and the community?
Look at below the instructional video of the training app.
(Turn on subtitles)
JDH PT Web app
You can schedule evaluations and video calls via the web app called Trainin. This also keeps track of your credits for Personal Training sessions. Finally, payments can also be made via the web app.
The web app is only available via an internet browser. Unfortunately, it cannot be downloaded from the app store or play store. By the way, you can put an app on your home page. Look at below in the instruction video how to do that. (From 19 seconds)
Not yet registered in the web app? Do that here!
Would you like to gain more insight into credits, payments and making agreements?
Look at below the instructional video of the web app.
(Turn on subtitles)